When I picked my son up from school, he came running out at full speed. As luck would have it, all the other children had after school activities so it was just he and I. We were going to run errands together and just have some good one on one time. As soon as he got in the van he exclaimed so excitedly "Look what I got for you!" And there it was, his prized treasure, he was choosing to give it to me, not the cute little red head who sits across from him, or the adorable girl with the pony tails that he plays with, but me-his mommy! My heart burst with love and admiration for my sweet little boy. What I would give to bottle him up, keep him at this age-when I'm his number one!
We ran our errands that day, and I wore my beautiful shinny ring for all the world to see. Now I display it proudly by my computer so that I will always be reminded of our connection and love.